"I find myself wondering again and again what it would be like actually to live every moment of one's life with an awareness of God..." D. Allen

November 28, 2011

Living in the Now: Rethinking tradition

Because of very different family traditions during the Christmas season, my sweetie and I have had some major upheaval in finding compromise. Hot tears, heavy angst. Your imagination can fill in the details.

Being good Anglicans, although thickheaded, it sank in that Advent is traditionally separate from Christmas. Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas day (November 27 this year). Advent marks the beginning of the church calendar. Advent is often marked as a time of fasting, waiting, preparing, and creating space for a deeper relationship with God. 

Christmas begins on December 25th.

By letting both seasons stand separately, we've found a much more rich season of simplicity. This is our third season separating the seasons, and again, we're finding rest, preparedness, and excitement. Waiting is hard, and does not come naturally to my immature spirit. Which is a good reason to practice.

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