"I find myself wondering again and again what it would be like actually to live every moment of one's life with an awareness of God..." D. Allen

December 3, 2011

Living in the Now: Waiting and Listening

As I'm in the midst of this Advent season, I'm creating space to be in God's presence fully--as in, rested, alert, and fully present. I'm a bit like the disciples who kept falling asleep in the garden, who physically weren't ready for the battle. I bet their hands were full with working several jobs, juggling a house full of sons and daughters, keeping up with festivals down at the synagogue, and planning for the future. I'm pretty sure they were a lot like me. After a heavy meal, they couldn't keep their eyes open in the peace and quiet of the garden. They were literally sleep walking. Me too. 

Practically, I'm going to bed earlier. Emotionally, I'm shutting off electronics and "people" earlier in the evening (one day, I promise to return your email). Spiritually, I'm simplifying what surrounds me, and what I allow to distract me from the Shepherd's voice. I'm waiting and listening. And staying awake a little bit longer.

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